Player development is at the forefront of Steven’s coaching system whether you are a beginner looking to get started in the game needing a structured process through to a tour level player requiring refinement for individual performance.
Steven is sure to find the leaks in your game to guide you to the next phase of your development, he covers the gamut of instruction from putting, short game and long game techniques skill development and performance.

Private instruction is designed specific to the students needs, the student evaluation process can be accessed via on-course review or long game and short game assessment
Offering either one-hour or two-hour long sessions over long term improvement program carried out over a long term period to maximise improvements and long term performance on course
Utilising almost 25-years of coaching experience Steven uses various forms of technology to enhance the learning and development experience, including TrackMan radar device, video analysis tools as well as force plate and SamPutt Lab technology. All lessons are recored through CoachNow platform for student to take away and review for training purposes.